Featured Products
Brass Vastu Meru Chakra Shree Yantra
Product Details:
- Color Brass
- Metal Type Brass
- Technique Casting
- Material Metal
- Product Type Other
- Height 127 Millimeter (mm)
- Size 6" x 6" x 5"
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Brass Vastu Meru Chakra Shree Yantra Price And Quantity
- 50 Piece
Brass Vastu Meru Chakra Shree Yantra Product Specifications
- 6" x 6" x 5"
- 152.4 Millimeter (mm)
- Other
- 127 Millimeter (mm)
- Casting
- Religious
- Brass
- Brass
- Inch (in)
- Metal
- Temple
- Polishing
Brass Vastu Meru Chakra Shree Yantra Trade Information
- New Delhi
- 1000 Piece Per Month
- 7 Days
- Yes
- Sample costs shipping and taxes has to be paid by the buyer
- Each meru will pack within particular Thermocol and cardboard box. Good export packing.
- All India
Product Description
Brass Vastu Meru Chakra Shree Yantra
Size: 6 x 6 x 5 inch
Weight: 2.750 gms.
The 3-Dimensional Meru Sri Yantra is a multi-Pyramid Cosmic Grid signifying unlimited abundance and positive powers. In the cosmos there are three states; Creation, Establishment and Destruction and these are represented by the three circles in the Sri Yantra which in its ashtdhatu Meru Shri (Shree) yantra is considered to be the supreme of all Shree Yantra. Sriyantra is One of the most auspicious, important and powerful Yantra.
It remove the negative thinking and improve the positive enargy. Its archetypal form is a ladder of spiritual ascent for the seeker. Viewed from the center outwards, the Shree Yantra is a diagram of the Hindu vision of the evolution of the cosmos. Through devotion and faith, the Shree Yantra blesses the worshipper with peace, happiness, popularity, power, authority, wealth, prosperity & success.
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